Хэрэглэгчийн мэдээлэл
дашдорж дашмаа Тэнхмийн эрхлэгч
Сэдэв: “Effects of slaughter endpoint and ageing on beef quality and taste active precursors” . ХАА чиглэлээр, 2012.08.22. CBNU, Korea
1. Total genetic and management system for eating and sensory quality related in Hanwoo beef (Mapping of background toughness of Hanwoo beef), Rural development administration, South Korea, 2014.01.15-2016.12.31 2. Identification of biological and genetic factors affecting eating quality and consumer preference, Chonbuk National University, Hankyong National University, 2015.01.15-2017.12.31 3. Identification of factors affecting meat quality of dry aged beef , Rural development administration, South Korea, 2016.01.01-2018.12.31 4. Малын гаралтай түүхий эдийг хаягдалгүй ашиглах-Хүнсний болон ахуйн зориулалтын бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэх технологийн туршилт судалгаа ТДС, Хатан сүйх ХХК, ХААИС, 2016.09-2017.07
1 М.Ичинхорлоо Махны химийн бүтцийг нил улаан туяаны спектрофотометрийн аргаар судалсан дүн BBA, МСҮТ-4 анги, 2 Б.Даваасүрэн Монголд өсгөн үржүүлж буй махны чиглэлийн тахианы махны химийн найрлага, чанарын зарим үзүүлэлт BBA, МСҮТ-4анги,
1 D.Dashmaa., B.W.Cho., G.Odhuu., K.M.Park., I.H.Hwang., et al. 2011, Meat quality and volatile flavor traits of Duroc, Berkshire and Yorksire breeds Korean Journal for Food Science of Anim Res, 31, 807-816; 2 D.Dashmaa., M.C.Oliveros., I.H.Hwang, 2012, Meat quality traits of Longissimus muscle of Hanwoo steers as a function of interaction between slaughter endpoint and chiller ageing Korean Journal for Food Science of Anim. Res., 32 414-427; 3 D.Dashmaa and I.H.Hwang 2012, Effect of extraction methods on the types and levels of free amino acid of beef Longissimus muscle Korean Journal for Food Science of Anim. Res., 32, 369-375; 4 H.V.Ba., K.M.Park., Dashmaa. D., I.H.Hwang, 2014, Effect of muscle type and vacuum chiller ageing period on the chemical compositions, meat quality, sensory attributes and volatile compounds of Korean native cattle beef Animal science journal, 85,164-173; 5 Dashmaa. D., Jieun Yang., H.V.Ba., K.S. Ryu., I.H.Hwang, 2013, Differences in the taste active compounds between Hanwoo Longissimus and Semitendinosus muscles and its comparison with Angus Longissimus beef muscles. Korean Journal for Food Science of Anim. Res., 33, 508-513; 6 Dashmaa. D., A.Touseef and I.H.Hwang, 2015, Influence of specific taste active components on meat flavor as affected by intrinsic and extrinsic factors: an overview European Food Research Technology, 241, 157-171; 7 H.V.Ba, C.M.Oliveros, K.M.Park, I.H.Hwang, D.Dashdorj 2016, Effect of marbling and chilled ageing on the meat quality traits, volatile compounds and sensory characteristics of beef longissimus dorsi muscle Animal production science; 8 Jieun Yang, Dashmaa Dashdorj Inho Hwang, 2018, Effect of the calpain system on volatile flavor compounds in the beef longissimus lumborum muscle Korean Journal for Food Science of Anim. Res., 38(3), 515-529; 9 Y.A.Kim, H.V.Ba, D.Dashdorj, I.Hwang, 2018, Effect of high pressure on the quality characteristics and shelf life stability of Hanwoo beef marinated with various sauces Korean Journal for Food Science of Anim. Res., 38(4), 679-692;
D.Dashdorj, V.K.Tripathi, S.H.Cho, Y.H.Kim and I.H.Hwang Dry aging of beef; Review Journal of Animal Science and Technology (2016) 58:20
Dashmaa Dashdorj, Nagaaranz. Ch., Оyunbaatar. B Chemical composition of concentrated beef bone broth in comparison with horse bone broth Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences, 2017, 48:37-43 N.Chimegee and D.Dashmaa The daily value of micronutrients in newly produced beef and horse concentrated bone broths Mongolian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (2018) Vol.23 (01)
D.Dashdorj, V.K.Tripathi, S.H.Cho, Y.H.Kim and I.H.Hwang Dry aging of beef; Review Journal of Animal Science and Technology (2016) 58:20
D.Dashmaa Mongolian meat market overview The international conference of KOSFA, 49th annual meeting 2017, Cheonan, Korea, Proceedings, 199-209
1 Effect of electrical stimulation on volatile compounds of beef longissimus dorsi muscle 47th Congress of Korean Society of food science of animal resources, Jeonju, 2015, proceedings, pp.320 2 Effect of electrical stimulation and aging on tenderness and color of beef m. longissimus dorsi and m. biceps femoris 47th Congress of Korean Society of food science of animal resources, Jeonju, 2015, proceedings, pp.324 3 Effect of postmortem injection treatment on tenderness and color of beef m. longissimus dorsi 47th Congress of Korean Society of food science of animal resources, Jeonju, 2015, proceedings, pp.329 4 Effect of calpain system on volatile flavor compounds of beef longissimus muscle 61st ICoMST, Proceeding, pp.143 Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2015 5 Effect of electrical stimulation on free amino acid of beef biceps femoris muscle 61st ICoMST, Proceeding, pp.144 Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2015 6 Relationship between collagen  characteristics and texture properties of beef 48th Congress of Korean Society of food science of animal resources, Jeonju, 2016, proceedings, pp.299 7 Effect of aging and quality grade on carcass and meat quality traits 48th Congress of Korean Society of food science of animal resources, Jeonju, 2016, proceedings, pp.273 8 Effect of muscle type and postmortem ageing on meat quality traits of Hanwoo beef 48th Congress of Korean Society of food science of animal resources, Jeonju, 2016, proceedings, pp.275 9 Proteolytic activity of calpains in tenderizing beef 48th Congress of Korean Society of food science of animal resources, Jeonju, 2016, proceedings, pp.294 10 Effect of muscle type and aging on textural properties of Hanwoo beef 62st ICoMST Proceeding, Thailand, 2016, pp.100 11 Textural attributes of m. longissimus lumborum of beef, related to IMF content and collagen characteristics 62st ICoMST Proceeding, Thailand, 2016, pp.100 12 Effect of chiller aging and muscle type on collagen characteristics of Hanwoo beef 62st ICoMST, Proceeding, Thailand, 2016, pp.99 13 Texture characteristics of beef as a function of carcass maturity and backfat thickness The international conference of KOSFA, 49th annual meeting 2017, Cheonan, Korea, Proceedings, 404 14 Amino acid content of dry aged biceps femoris and longissimus throsis muscles of Hanwoo beef The international conference of KOSFA, 49th annual meeting 2017, Cheonan, Korea, Proceedings, 373 15 Effect of age (heifer vs. cow) and postmortem aging on quality traits of Hanwoo beef The international conference of KOSFA, 49th annual meeting 2017, Cheonan, Korea, Proceedings, 380 16 Effect of muscle type and postmortem aging on collagen attribuites of Hanwoo beef The international conference of KOSFA, 49th annual meeting 2017, Cheonan, Korea, Proceedings, 383 17 Collagen types of Hanwoo beef in relation to texture properties of individual muscles 63th, ICoMST, Cork, Ireland, 2017, Proceeding, 398-399 18 Quality characteristics of dry aged biceps femoris and longissimus thorasis muscles from Hanwoo beef 63th ICoMST, Cork, Ireland, 2017, Proceeding, pp. 392-393 19 Calpain activity and proteolytic effects on longissimus lumborum muscle from Hanwoo cows and heifers 63th ICoMST, Cork, Ireland, 2017, Proceeding, pp. 394-395 20 Calpain proteolytic effects in different muscle types from Hanwoo cattle and their relashionship with meat softening traits 63th ICoMST, Cork, Ireland, 2017, Proceeding, pp. 390-391 21 Biological attributes of intramuscular connective tissue components of Hanwoo skeletal muscle 63th ICoMST, Cork, Ireland, 2017, Proceeding, pp. 396-397 22 Mechanical characteristics of beef as a function of age (heifer vs. cow), and postmortem aging 63th ICoMST Proceeding, Cork, Ireland, 2017, pp. 188-189 23 Evaluation of free amino acids of dry aged Hanwoo cow The international conference of KOSFA, 50th annual meeting 2018, Jeju, Korea, Proceedings, 369 24 Quality characteristics of dry aged Hanwoo cow KOSFA and 50th annual meeting 2018, Jeju, Korea, Proceedings, 387 25 Quality traits and texture measurements of beef subjected to different aging KOSFA and 50th annual meeting 2018, Jeju, Korea, Proceedings, 390 26 Collagen content and calpain with different aging and sex of Hanwoo beef The international conference of KOSFA and 50th annual meeting 2018, Jeju, Korea, Proceedings, 235 27 Effect of gender on quality traits and sensory evaluation of Hanwoo beef 64th ICoMST, Melbourne, Australia, 2018 28 Effect of gender on texture measurements of Hanwoo beef 64th ICoMST, Melbourne, Australia, 2018 29 Quality characteristics of dry aged beef of Hanwoo cow 64th ICoMST, Melbourne, Australia, 2018 30 Meat quality traits, collagen content and calpain of dry aged Hanwoo beef 64th ICoMST, Melbourne, Australia, 2018
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“Effects of slaughter endpoint and ageing on beef quality and taste active precursors” сэдэвт докторын ажлаараа зохиогчийн эрхийн гэрчилгээ авсан. Дугаар 9206. МУОӨ, УБЕГ, 2018.01.25-ны А/141.
1 Comparative study of nutritional compositions and technological quality between horse and Korean native black pork raising in Jeju Island Asian and Australian Journal of Animal Science IF=1.24 2018.05.02 2 Metabolomic approach to key metabolites characterizing postmortem aged loin muscle of Japanese Black (Wagyu) cattle Asian and Australian Journal of Animal Science IF=1.24 2018.06 3 Effects of coated cysteamine hydrochloride on muscle fiber characteristics and amino acid composition of finishing pigs Asian and Australian Journal of Animal Science IF=1.24 2018.09 4 Oxidative stability impact on salami with fermented pine needles produced by sulfur supplement fed pigs Korean Journal for Food Science and Animal Resources IF=1.03 2018.05.02 5 The impact of pollen on the health status of animals and humans Korean Journal for Food Science and Animal Resources IF=1.03 2018.04.20 6 Effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale) and garlic (Allium sativum) on productive performance and hematological parameters of broiler International Journal of Poultry Science (Science Alert) 2017.12.11 7 Cholesterol lowering and lipid oxidation reduction potentials of traditional seasonings in salchichon dry-fermented sausages Journal of food science technology IF=1.8 2016.03.20
I.H.Hwang., K.M. Park, V.B.Hoa., D.Dashmaa. 2011. Control of meat quality; Edited by S.T.Joo., Chapter 4: “Technologies to improve tenderness of meat”. Kerala, India.,
Д.Дашмаа, Б.Мөнхдэлгэр, Л.Бадамханд. 2017. “Мах боловсруулах технологи” лабораторийн гарын авлага. УБ 2017 х.х 4.0
Технологийн бүдүүвч, Технологийн заавар, жор, орц гарц тооцох, 20 төрлийн
Мах махан бүтээгдэхүүн болоовсруулах технологи
Мах махан бүтээгдэхүүн боловсруулах технологи
Мах махан бүтээгдэхүүн болоовсруулах технологи
Мах боловсруулах дэвшилтэт технологи II, MSТ806, 3кр
Мах боловсруулах дэвшилтэт технологи , MSТ708, 3кр; Судалгааны арга зүй, REM700, 3кр; Мах судлал, MST705, 3кр
Хүнсний шинжилгээний аргууд, MFT348, 3кр; Үйлдвэрлэлийн дадлагын удирдамж, PRA311, 3кр
Хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүний уламжлалт технологи, FMT313, 3кр Мах сүүн бүтээгдэхүүний технологи, МРТ325, 6кр МАА-н бүтээгдэхүүн боловсруулах уламжлалт технологи, MPT322, 6кр Мал аж ахуйн бүтээгдэхүүн боловсруулах технологи, TAP344, 3кр Амьтны гаралтай бүтээгдэхүүн боловсруулах технологи, TAP303 3кр ХАА-н бүтээгдэхүүний анхан шатны боловсруулалт, MNT333, 3кр шинэчлэн боловсруулахад бусад багш нартай хамтарч ажилласан
Мах боловсруулах технологи I, МРТ306, 3кр Мах боловсруулах технологи II, МРТ307, 3кр Мах махан бүтээгдэхүүн боловсруулах технологи, МРТ305, 3кр Мах боловсруулах технологи, ТМР329, 3кр Мах сүү боловсруулах үйлдвэрийн төсөл тооцоо, FSM319, 3кр Мах махан бүтээгдэхүүн боловсруулах технологи, МРТ411, 3кр Махны задлан шинжилгээний арга зүй, АММ311, 3кр шинэчлэн боловсруулсан, 2016
Мах боловсруулах дэвшилтэт технологи II, MSТ807 Мах сүү боловсруулах технологи, MNB817
Мах боловсруулах дэвшилтэт технологи MSТ708; Судалгааны арга зүй REM700; Мах судлал MST705;
БТЭCТ хөтөлбөрийг магадлан итгэмжлүүлэх ажилд оролцсон, 2018
Боловсролын талаарх мэдээлэл энд байна.
Заадаг хичээлийн талаарх мэдээлэл энд байна.