ХААИС- ийн Экосистемийн судалгааны төвийн олон улсын сэтгүүлд хэвлэгдсэн бүтээлийн жагсаалт, 2005- 2014

Нийтлэгч : С.Erdene-ochir
Огноо: 1999-12-31 00:00:00

ХААИС- ийн Экосистемийн судалгааны төвийн олон улсын
сэтгүүлд хэвлэгдсэн бүтээлийн жагсаалт, 2005- 2014
2005 оны бүтээлүүд
  1. Takehiro Sasaki, Tomoo Okayasu, Kazuhiko Takeuchi, Undarmaa Jamsran and, Sanjid Jadambaa: Patterns of floristic composition under different grazing intensities in Bulgan, South Gobi, Mongolia. Journal of Grassland Science 51, Japan, 235- 242, 2005
2007 оны бүтээлүүд
  1. Tomoo Okayasu, Mika Muto, Кazuhiko Takeuchi, Undarmaa Jamsran: Spatially heterogeneous impacts on rangeland after social system change in Mongolia. Land degrade.Develop.18:555- 566, 2007 Takehiro Sasaki, Tomoo Okayasu, Yasuhito Shirato, Undarmaa Jamsran, Satoru Okubo and Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Can edaphic factors demonstrate landscape- scale differences in vegetation responses to grazing? Plant Ecology, 194: 51- 66, 2007
  2. Takehiro Sasaki, Tomoo Okayasu, Yasuhito Shirato, Undarmaa Jamsran and Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Quantifying the resilience of plant communities under different grazing intensities in a degraded shrubland: A case study in Mandalgobi, Mongolia. Japanese Society of Grassland Science, 53: 192- 195, 2007
2008 оны бүтээлүүд
  1. Takehiro Sasaki, Tomoo Okayasu, Undarmaa Jamsran and Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Threshold changes in vegetation along grazing gradient in Mongolian Rangeland. Journal of Ecology 96: 145- 154, 2008 Aki Hoshino, Haruyuki Fujimaki, Toshiya Okuro, Undarmaa Jamsran and Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Case study of salt accumulation and numerical prediction of its leaching along the grazing gradient. Soil Moisture Workshop, 2008
2009 оны бүтээлүүд
  1. Yu Yoshihara, Toshiya Okuro, Jamsran Undarmaa Takehiro Sasaki, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Are small rodents key promoters of ecosystem restoration in harsh environments? A case study of abandoned croplands on Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Arid Environments 73 364- 368, 2009
  2. Takehiro Sasaki, Tomoo Okayasu, Toshiya Okuro, Yasuhito Shirato, Undarmaa Jamsran, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Rainfall variability may modify the effects of long- term exclsure on vegetation in Mandalgobi, Mongolia. Journal of Arid Environments 73 949-954, 2009
  3. Aki Hoshino, Yu Yoshihara, Takehiro Sasaki, Tomoo Okayasu, Undarmaa Jamsran, Toshiya Okuro, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Comparison of vegetation changes along grazing gradient with different numbers of livestock. Journal of Arid Environments 73 687- 690, 2009
  4. Takehiro Sasaki, Satoru Okubo, Tomoo Okayasu, Undarmaa Jamsran, Toshiya Okuro, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Two- phase functional redundancy in plant communities along a grazing gradient in Mongolian rangelands. Ecology, 90(9), 2009
  5. Takehiro Sasaki, Satoru Okubo, Tomoo Okayasu, Undarmaa Jamsran, Toshiya Okuro and Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Management applicability of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis across Mongolian rangeland ecosystems. Ecological Applications, 19(2), 2009
2010 оны бүтээлүүд
  1. Undarmaa Jamsran: Involvement of Local Communities in Restoration of Ecosystem Services in Mongolian Rangeland. Global Environmental Research Vol.14 №.1 9-86, 2010 
  2. Yu Yoshihara, Toshiya Okuro, Bayarbaatar Buuveibaatar, Jamsran Undarmaa and Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Responses of vegetation to soil disturbance by Sibelian marmots within a landscape and between landscape positions in Hustai National Park, Mongolia. Japanese Society of Grassland Science, 56, 2010
  3. Takehiro Sasaki, Yu Yoshihara, Undarmaa Jamsran, Toshiya Okuro: Ecological stoichiometry explains larger- scale facilitation processes by shrubs on species coexistence among understory plants. Elsevier, Ecological Engineering 36, 1070- 1075, 2010
  4. Junji Kondo, Muneto Hirobe, Yoshihiro Yamada, Jamsran Undarmaa, Keiji Sakamoto, Ken Yoshikawa: Effects of Caragana microphylla patch and its canopy size on “islands of fertility” in a Mongolian grassland ecosystem. Landscape and Ecological Engineering and Springer, 2010
  5. Yu Yoshihara, Takehiro Sasaki, Toshiya Okuro, Jamsran Undarmaa, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Cross-spatial-scale patterns in the facilitative effect of shrubs and potential for restoration of desert steppe. Elsevier, Ecological Engineering 36, 1719- 1724, 2010
  6. Takehiro Sasaki, Saturo Okubo, Tomoo Okayasu, Undarmaa Jamsran, Toshiya Okuro, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Indicator species and functional groups as predictors of proximity to ecological thresholds in Mongolian rangelands. Springer Science+ Business Media B.V.2010
  7. Kohei Suzuki, Takashi Kamijo, Undarmaa Jamsran and Kenji Tamura: Phytosociological Study in Hustai National Park. 2010
  8. Fumika Isa, Maki Asano, Undarmaa Jamsran and Kenji Tamura: Morphological characteristics of Soils in Hustai National Park, Mongolia. 2010
2011 оны бүтээлүүд
  1. Kohei Suzuki, Takashi Kamijo, Undarmaa Jamsran and Kenji Tamura: Short- Term and Long- Term Processes of Abandoned Cropland Recovery of Vegetation in Hustai National Park. 2011
2012 оны бүтээлүүд
  1. Altansukh Goomaral, Koje Iwase, Jamsran Undarmaa, Teruyuki Matsumoto, Masahide Yamato: Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Stipa krylovii (Poaceae) in the Mongolian steppe. Elsevier, Mycoscience 54, 122-129, 2012
  2. Tomoo Okayasu, Toshiya Okuro, Undarmaa Jamsran, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Degraded rangeland dominated by unpalatable forbs exhibits large- scale spatial heterogeneity. Springer Science+ Business Media B.V.2012
  3. Takashi Otoda, Keiji Sakamoto, Muneto Hirobe, Undarmaa Jamsran, Ken Yoshikawa: Can regular disturbances guarantee the persistence of white birch stands at the southern boundary of the Mongolian forest- steppe? 2012
2013 оны бүтээлүүд
  1. Altansukh Goomaral, Jamsran Undarmaa, Teruyuki Matsumoto, Masahide Yamato: Effect of plant species on communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Mongolian steppe. Elsevier, Mycoscience 54, 362- 367, 2013
  2. Kaoru Kakinuma, Tomoo Okayasu, Takehiro Sasaki, Undarmaa Jamsran, Toshiya Okuro and Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Rangeland management in highly variable environments: Resource variations across the landscape mediate the impact of grazing on vegetation in Mongolia. Japanese Society of Grassland Science, 2013
  3. Takashi Otoda, Kenji Sakamoto, Muneto Hirobe, Jamsran Undarmaa, Ken Yoshikawa: Influences of anthropogenic disturbances on the dynamics of white birch (Betula platyphylla) forests at the southern boundary of the Mongolian forest- steppe. The Japanese Forest Society and Springer, 2013
  4. Takehiro Sasaki, Toshiya Okuro, Kaoru Kakinuma, Tomoo Okayasu, Undarmaa Jamsran, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Vegetation in a Post- Ecological Threshold State May Not Recover after Short-Term Livestock Exclusion in Mongolian Rangelands. Arid land Research and Management, 27:1, 101- 110, 2013
  5. Aki Yanagawa, Haruyuki Fujimaki, Toshiya Okuro, Tomoo Okayasu, Undarmaa Jamsran, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Parameter Estimation for Drought and Osmotic Tolerances in a Root Water Uptake Model for Two Co- occurring Grass Species in Mongolia. 2013
  6. Kohei Suzuki, Takashi Kamijo, Undarmaa Jamsran and Kenji Tamura: Evaluation of protection imparted by national park status based on comparison of steppe vegetation inside and outside Hustai National Park, Mongolia. The Society of Vegetation Science, 2013
2014 оны бүтээлүүд
  1. Kaoru Kakinuma, Tomoo Okayasu, Undarmaa Jamsran, Toshiya Okuro, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Herding strategies during a drought vary at multiple scales in Mongolian rangeland. Elsevier, Journal of Arid Environments 109, 88- 91, 2014
  2. Kaoru Kakinuma, Takehiro Sasaki, Undarmaa Jamsran, Toshiya Okuro, Kazuhiko Takeuchi: Relationship Between Pastoralists Evaluation of Rangeland State and Vegetation Threshold Changes in Mongolian Rangelands. Environmental Management 54. 888- 896, 2014
  3. Asuka Koyama, Yu Yoshihara, Undarmaa Jamsran, Toshiya Okuro: Role of tussock morphology in providing protection from grazing for neighbouring palatable plants in a semi- arid Mongolian rangeland. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2014
  4. Kohei Suzuki, Takashi Kamijo, Undarmaa Jamsran, Yuki Konagaya, Kenji Tamura: Evaluation of vegetation recovery on abandoned cropland in forest steppe and typical steppe regions in Mongolia. 2014