Нийтлэгч : Р.Батчимэг
Огноо: 2023-09-11 15:59:27

Calling all MULS Professors!

Are you interested in furthering your career and doing research in America?

Do you have a good grasp of English, but want to learn more? Do you love traveling and learning about other cultures? 

Then perhaps you should consider applying to the U.S.A Fulbright Visiting Scholars Program!

The program includes a 6–9-month research grant for highly motivated scholars to propose and conduct post-doctoral research in U.S institutes in a choice field of specialization.

Working closely with American professionals at American institutes, you will get to propose and conduct your own research project on whatever are STEM area you choose.

Applicants must be a Mongolian citizen living in Mongolia, hold a doctoral degree, have a minimum of 10 years of full-time work experience, and hold “excellent English skills”.

Preference is given to those who have not had extensive or recent experiences in the U.S. The application deadline is October 31st, so if you’re interested, please reach out as soon as possible!

Email sukhtulga@muls.edu.mn or rachel@muls.edu.mn if you would like to learn more, or drop by the International Relations and Partnerships Office on the third floor, room 33, of the administration building.

For more information on the program, you can visit:
