United States Department of Agriculture Scientific exchanges program

Нийтлэгч : Р.Батчимэг
Огноо: 2024-06-03 15:36:20

The USDA in America is offering a fellowship research program regarding Women in Sustainable Food Systems. The program sends a researcher to the United States for 11-12 weeks to perform research beginning in September 2024. 

Candidates will be evaluated, interviewed, and selected based on the following criteria:

  • Must be a female citizen of and currently reside in Mongolia. 
  • Excellent comprehension of the English language (reading, writing, and speaking).
  • Master’s degree or higher with at least minimum two years of practical experience.
  • Intention to continue working in home country for a minimum of two years following their return from the United States.
  • Early/mid-stage of professional career (2-10 years of experience preferred; candidates with more than 15 years of experience are weakly competitive; candidates with 20 years or more experience will not be considered).

Applications must include:

  • Application form including a research proposal completed and signed (Email rachel@muls.edu.mn for the application form)
  • Signed approval from applicant's home institution (Section XIV of Application form)
  • Two letters of recommendation (academic and professional preferred; as displayed on application form)
  • Copies of diploma(s) for college/university degree(s) received
  • Copy of valid passport identification page at the time of applying

 Research Proposal requirements:

  1. Achievable within 11-12 weeks 
  2. Represent sustainable food system research regarding social, environmental, and economic aspects
  3. focus on women's empowerment and the needs of women and children in food system transformation


For further details, application forms, and application submission guidelines/advice, contact sukhtulga@muls.edu.mnor rachel@muls.edu.mnin the International Office. 


Applications are due June 8th, 2024 11:59 PM (EST).